Dear Diary,

For the longest time, I have  been the kind of person who deals with problems or challenges in a particular way. My style can be a bit of a put off to some people but also very effective. I hate allowing situations to get out of control even though I am certainly guilty of that a couple of times for sure. As much as I can, I am not the kind of person who allows a situation to fester and prolong if I can help it. I also learnt from my former boss that there is always a way out of a situation if you address it in the right way. So when faced with a difficult issue, my approach is:_

1. Deal with it immediately before it escalates or mutates into something else
2. Find a solution 
3. Do whatever it takes to get to number 2

One particular example I will never forget was when my boss had applied for a particular executive programme and her application was rejected on no grounds at all. Instead of taking it lying down, she had appealed the decision in a very concise and detailed manner that they had no choice but to admit her into the programme. This win has never left my mind as I was sure that there was no way to circumvent it. It would have probably been easier to throw her arms up and apply to a different University but she was crystal clear that this was the programme she wanted to take. That was the bottom line. To date, whenever I am meet with a challenge, I always go back to that example for inspiration. When I applied for a loan and it was rejected on flimsy grounds, I found the email address of the bank's head of Personal Banking and appealed the decision. I did not know this person and the branch manager was surprised as I suppose they are used to clients just accepting the rejections without much a do. The loan was granted Having been a customer for close to 18 years, I did not see why they should turn me away at my time of need.When Kenya Power were giving me grief over a very inflated bill, I sort justice from way above the ranks by simply writing an email. My issue was resolved in a day yet I knew no one there personally. Here is the challenge though. You can't solve relationship problems in that manner. 

Ever since the situation with Shane, I became very ready to always be on the offensive should anyone try to put me in a position where I was disadvantaged. I was ready to take a stand and take to the hills too should such a situation present itself. And a few times, that is exactly what I did. I stopped allowing myself to be vulnerable and I literally formed a Vickie Defense Forces (VDF) ready to take charge should I even suspect that anyone was about to pull a number on me. If a solution could not be found to the problem, then I was always ready to move on without a second thought. But that was before. Before I had found someone I actually wanted to stay with for the rest of my life. So the question became..what happens at the first site of a problem? I knew it was coming....because no relationship is perfect even though we were largely in a very good space....and hardly had any arguments or points of deference. 

I had to make a decision as how I was going to deal with any arising conflicting in the relationship. The solution would certainly not come from my usual way of dealing such situations. The only person I could go to for an appeal would God. But I had to learn to not circumvent and allow the situation to be resolved amicably. I also had to learn that I was not going to get my own way each time there was any conflict. I also had to make a decision that was no running to the hill. I was here to stay. I wanted to stay. I had found my person and I was not going to let him go. Nor was I going to run.

My biggest lesson so far has been accepting that there are other ways of resolving conflict aside from my straight forward, in-your-face way of dealing with conflict. I still struggle with this to date. For example, if there is an issue to be addressed, I prefer to deal with it instantly as soon as it has happened. My husband on the other hand, prefers to have a few days to mull over things before attempting to address the issue. I have had to accept and fully embrace his methodology much as it is difficult to me. These days, if I do something wrong or an issue crops up, I know that there will be a bit of some lag time before he brings it up. That gives me time to think about the situation and the best way to remedy it. It also gives us both time to calm down and not speak in anger. However, there are other situations where my approach works better. Where leaving things to simmer for a few days only gives opportunity for things to get worse. So the key is knowing when to apply which approach to the situation. Most importantly, I had to learn that I could let my guard down...that I would be ok around him...that he wasn't out to get me or pull the rug from underneath my feet. 

Over the next 1 year before we got married, we had the opportunity to learn more of each other as we spent a lot of time together. I was forced to retire the VDF as their service was no longer required. I settled in knowing that this was going to be long term and there was no need to have my defenses all up. Whenever differences or conflict arose, we took in stride and handled it well and amicably. One of the best qualities I love about my husband is his ability to apologize when he is wrong. He never hesitates and this aspect made me even more comfortable in the relationship. He wasn't in this to try to lord it over me. Rather, he was genuinely willing and available to me to ensure we established an amazing relationship and marriage. He has stayed true to that consistently. 

My guard is down and it is OK.


The middle-aged bride 

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