


We all have them. Some are good, some are bad, some really unhealthy, some unreasonable whilst some are really helpful. The key is to distinguish between them all.

Some fears we have are just simply ridiculous...like I once met someone with a fear of big feet. So they would basically avoid looking down at people's feet lest they come across a size 14 foot or something. Why? They really had no explanation for it.

Then we have the usual fears of height, water, spiders, snakes, the dark, white or black people, certain tribes, roaches, lizards, insects, the boogie man or as we were told as kids "kimundu". In fact, as a child, this was phrase often used to cajole me into eating cos I was a poor feeder (I know...don't laugh...no one has to convince me to eat now going by my size 😉 😜) so I would be told to swallow my food quickly or else the "Kimundu" (monster) would come for me! These kind of fears are many times irrational and are only based on our wild imagination or perceptions that we have built or others have built in us.

There also fears that develop as a result of our experiences. For example....I once was bitten on the hand by my Uncle's German Shepherd. Thankfully, the huge dog was gently convinced to let go of my arm slowly... but I still have two scars left by his teeth to show for it. I love dogs but anytime I see a German Shepherd, my stomach ties into notches and my blood runs cold. These fears can be very difficult to overcome because one has actually had a negative encounter. But with a lot of hardwork and even professional help it can be possible to overcome these.

Then we have inner fears. The big bad boys of the fear category. These are fears we have built, reinforced and fanned in our minds ...and the ones we truly should watch out for.

Fear of doing new things
Fear of starting over
Fear of what society will think
Fear of failure
Fear of success
Fear that one is not good enough
Fear of facing the truth
Fear of the future
Fear of loss
Fear of fear

...and on...and on...and on

These kind of fears are the most difficult to overcome...and the ones that damage our lives the most and hold us back from prospering and succeeding.

What F.E.A.R is holding you back in your life today?

To overcome our fears, we must:-

🌼 - Identify and acknowledge them
🌼 - Understand the root causes and address them
🌼 - Develop specific steps to overcome the fears
🌼 - Identify resources and support systems
🌼 - Find an accountability partner to help keep you on the right path
🌼 - Track and record progress
🌼 - Craft self-affirmations to counter the fear and encourage yourself daily

As they say, it is easier said than done....so don't just say it, DO IT!

Challenge yourself to identify and overcome a fear that is holding you back. You will be pleasantly surprised by the progress you make.

Have a F.E.A.R-free 2022!

#personaldevelopment #overcomingfear #celebrateYOU


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