Who or what is the higher SELF? Sounds somewhat strange but let me break it down as I have understood it for myself.

There is the person you are today and there is the person in you that has the potential to be better than the you physically manifesting TODAY. The higher self is where our God-given gifts, talents, abilities, ....the fabric of our unique being lies. In life...there are people who easily access and become this higher self (or come close) and there are others who struggle and are not even aware that part of themselves even exists.

The higher self is not a destination to be reached but rather a state of hightened awareness or consciousness in the journey towards continuous improvement, bettering oneself and reaching our highest level of potential. This higher self is also where our gut instinct lies...that special intuition that we all have and is the part of us that is most spiritually aware.

What happens if we are not in tune with this part of ourselves?

🦋 - We miss out on tapping on our full potential and are never at par with the life God intended us to live

🦋 - We misuse or even fail to use the special talent and gifts God has assigned to us pretty much like the worker who kept his talent and did not use it in the parable of talents in Mathew 25: 14-30

🦋 - We fail to achieve God's purpose for us here on earth and carry this purpose to our graves

I chose this theme for my Goal Setting Planner because I strongly believe that as we plan and set our goals...we should always be aiming at achieving this higher self...the version of self that God created and desires us to be.

Whether we want to accept it or not.....we always know when we are operating below par and are actually being our "lower self", are not focused, achieving our goals nor utilising our gifts or talents.

Are you aware of your higher self? Do you believe this self exists?

Food for thought....

#celebrateYOUplanner #selfawareness #personaldevelopment


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