The Art of Giving Back


The Art of Giving Back

Have you ever thought of giving or charity as an area that can be part of your goal setting every year? I came across this idea from someone on Facebook and decided to give it some deeper thought.

 If you have my CELEBRATE YOU planner, you will have seen the 7 guiding areas for goal setting which are: -

1) Spiritual Nourishment
2) Personal development
3) Finances and Wealth
4) Family & relationships
5) Career or business
6) Health & wellness
7) Lifestyle and happiness


Whilst these 7 areas are awesome....I thought that a good addition as an 8th area would be Giving back or Charity. Why may wonder?

You see, many of us hardly spend time giving back CONSISTENTLY in our lives. By giving back, I don't necessarily mean giving money or material things. There are many forms of giving e.g. You can give back using your skills, talents or passions. If we look even more deeply, very few of us set goals to achieve in this area on a yearly basis. It is rarely a focus area but more of something we tend to do at the end of the year during Christmas and almost as if it were an afterthought.

Upon reflection, I realised that giving back is a critical part of growth and development. In fact, I think that by not making time or creating opportunities for giving back...we curtail opportunities for growth and progress in our lives.

This is in fact a biblical concept. In 2 Cor 9: 6 - 8, the bible reminds us that if we sow sparingly, we shall also reap sparingly. This applies to giving as well.

Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

Further, we are reminded in Hebrews to not neglect the act of charity or giving

Hebrews 13:16- Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.

Challenge: Globally, many people are hurting and going through a difficult time due to the effects of Covid-19 and many other life challenges. People are sick, hurting and lost. Whilst evaluating all these challenges can be discouraging, the situation also presents an opportunity to give back in whatever way you can.

If you haven't done so already, I would encourage you to add Charity/Giving back as one of your goals for the year. Take time to look around you for opportunities to give and help others in your life. Yes, you could be going through a difficult time yourself but you would be surprised that if you look more deeply, you will find that despite your circumstances, you have something to offer someone else in need.

Personally, I was recently challenged by a situation close to me that I had failed to see as an opportunity to give back. My eyes were set on other people or causes out there...yet there was someone close to me that I could give to and support. So I will work to change that soon.

What about you? Evaluate your life and the opportunities around you to give in various ways.

And in whatever you do...remember to CELEBRATE YOU!


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