Granted...No is not the easiest word to say for some people because it has always been associated with a lot of negativity. But we know deep down that isn't the truth. NO is one of the most powerful words in our vocabulary!

Here are some powerful ways to use your NO.

- Say NO to timewasters. These are things that you do but really do not add much value in your life. It could be too much time on Social media or watching Netflix, going out clubbing excessively or too much gossiping with your girls (a little never hurt anyone ). It could also be spending less time with people who add NO value or worth to our lives. Instead, you can look at replacing such activities with learning something new. E.g. crocheting, a new recipe, a new sport or simply spending more time where it is valued and will have a higher return like with your children.

- Say NO to negative energy, thoughts and vibes. Evaluate the people and situations in your life and just share no to anything with negative energy. We exude vibrational energy ALL the time and that energy draws more to itself....so avoid dwelling too much in a space with negative vibrational energy or with people who have no light to shine. Even though you may be going a difficult time, or dealing with grief, job loss, an end to a relationship, financial loss or any other life challenge...do your best to rise above it. If emit low vibrational energy, you only get more of the same feelings and energy. Surround yourself with radiant positivity and energy. The universe will reciprocate and give more of the same energy

- Say NO to F.E.A.R. Nothing can be more paralysing in life than fear. This can be fear of certain things or situations but I believe the worst fear of all is the kind of fear that keeps you stuck in one place either afraid to make a decision, make a mistake or simply stuck because of the fear of what others will think.

Purpose to say NO to at least 1 thing in each of the 3 categories.
1. Eliminate a timewaster
2. Get rid of something or someone who only perpetuates negative energy around you
3. Make a decision to do something you have been afraid to do for a while

And remember....to CELEBRATE YOU!


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