BLOOM WHERE YOU ARE PLANTED...Is it even possible and if so HOW?


BLOOM WHERE YOU ARE PLANTED...Is it even possible and if so HOW?

This is a phrase I have come to love and say often. It sounds pretty easy but what does it really mean in its true essence? Is it even possible?

Sometimes in life, we find ourselves planted in what we perceive as the "wrong place". Perhaps the "soil" where you have been planted seems too dark or too soft, too hard, rocky, filled with silt, saline, lacking the required nutrients or perhaps even too dry and perched. It could even be that the location of this "farm" where you were planted is the problem. It just doesn't sit right with you. Sometimes, these issues may be real or just a figment of our imagination or perception.

The dicey part is this. For one reason or cannot be transplanted elsewhere as yet. In fact, if you are moved at the wrong time...that could very well be the end of you! All would collapse or be lost.

So what can one do to endure the season during which they have been planted at this spot or place or sthat isn't really where they want to be?

  • Accept the reality - This can perhaps be equated to giving up but it isn't. Accept where you are at that moment. Yes...we hear you, it is not ideal but you need to endure the season. Learn new ways to cope with the circumstances in the meantime but keep hope for better days ahead alive.
  • Discover the Purpose - Nothing in our lives happens randomly. So enquire from God....what is the purpose for that season? What is the greater good behind the picture? Why are you there?
  • Learn the lessons - Everything in life comes to teach us something. What are the lessons you need to learn? How can you apply these lessons in your life to not only make you a better person but also make sure you do not get planted in a similar place again in the future? A lesson is only repeated if we did not get it the first time around.
  • Develop an attitude of gratitude - There is always something good in everything. You just need to open your eyes wide enough to pick out the matter how little it may be in your view. Draw a list and you will soon find that there is more than one or two things to be grateful for.
  • Visualize the future - So yes. This is not where you should be but do you even have an idea of what your ideal place or season looks like? Where do you want to catapult yourself to? Get clarity on your vision...make sure you know exactly what it is the very last detail.
  • Set goals and make a Plan - Your vision is clear but what will it take to get there? Take time to plan for your next steps. Know whatever it is that is needed to move to your ideal place, level or season in life. Then...DO IT! Use the time and resource you have wisely to get you to your next best place!
  • Have Superb Faith! - Do you truly believe you can uproot yourself from your current circumstances into a whole new place? You best believe it! Because of you don't...who will? The bible reminds us that Faith without action is useless. But equally...anything we do without faith is unlikely to succeed. Deeply and truthfully believe in a better tomorrow!

Apply these tips and will not just bloom but also GROW, EXCEL & THRIVE where you have been planted!


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