Why am I single? This is the reason why.....

One gets tired. You know...of being asked the same stupid question over and over again.

Girl (That's me). Let's make that Beautiful curvaceous girl. So yes...girl meets boy (Some guy who is working hard to get beautiful curvaceous girl to like him. Boy asks girl "You are so beautiful (BUT OF COURSE)...and you are such a nice, wonderful woman (Yes I am)...So why are you still single?

Hurrmph! Why am I single? Why is beautiful curvaceous...might I add delicious girl single? Why...Oh why is she?

Let's ask God.

Day I

Me: Why is beautiful curvaceous delicious girl single?
God: Uhh......give me a minute I will be right back on that one.
Me: *Waits endlessly and finally walks away.

Day 2

Me: Say God....
God: Yes beautiful curvaceous delicious girl?
Me: Am still waiting
God: For...?
Me: Your answer? You know...for the question some guy keeps asking.
God: (Playing all naive)..which question again dear?
Me: God...come on....I was here yesterday. I know you remember. Stop pretending
God: Oh yes....now its coming to me. Ah....I think I haven't made yours as yet
Me: Mine? My what?>
God: Yours....you know. Yours
Me: So when are you making him? Will he be all grown? Ready to be a man and all? Will he? WILL HE?
God: See me after a week and I will have an answer

One week later.....

Me: Hey. God. Am back. So...have you made him yet?
God: Him who?
Me: HIM...you know....mine
God: Oh yours. Yes I have.
Me: And?
God: He's broken. He fell off my hands and he is now in little small pieces. I have to put him back together again. With glue. Piece by piece. It will take some time. LOOOOADS of time.
Me: So...when do I come back? For mine?
God: Ah...(looking very vague)...give me some time dear beautiful curvaceous girl. Give me time
Me: But...can't you just wave a magic wand or something and make it be. You are God after all.
God: It doesn't work that way (sounding irritated)
Me: How does it work?
God: Girl (he forgets to use the words beautiful & curvaceous). Girl.....give me time
Me: But everyone keeps asking me this question. What do I say?
God: Just give me time.......

So...there you have it. I am still waiting. Waiting for mine. Waiting for God to fix mine. Comprende? No more stupid questions.


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