Remember me? Am the one who loves you

The letter

My love,  

It has not been easy to love you. This is so because it is not easy to love a person like you. I apologise if I hurt you by those words or any other I utter herewith. What you must remember is that I love you. 

You make it quite difficult. We agree to do things. Important things. Things that will change our lives for the better. Things that are good for us. But what do you do? You go ahead and sabotage our plans. You do the completely opposite. You puzzle me but still I love you. 

I know life has not been easy on you. But it rarely is easy on anyone. So fragile a being you have been. Easily hurt, easily swayed, easily loving, easily hating but...BUT easily bouncing back....easily accomplishing! You remind me of that know it.... the "Never say die" one. It's their motto and I think it has inadvertently been yours too. 

I write to remind you of this. That regardless of what you have been through, regardless of your successes and is not the end. Strive to do better...strive to do more...strive to be more.Shut down the bad memories. Yes, you need to face the past but there is no need to constantly persecute yourself with it. Deal with it once and for all and move on. Shut down the voices of despair. The ones that want to divert your mind to listen only to the negative. Shut them down. Neigh...shoot them. Aim to kill... because these thoughts will only cause you more harm. 

Arise! Wake up to your full potential for you are in slumber. Arise and Be. You already posses in you everything you need in order to become who God intended you to be. Lock into his vision for you....OF YOU and you will be amazed. It's not even a question of becoming...FOR YOU ALREADY ARE. You only need to shed off the current perceptions (self & others). Lay off the false cloaks and emerge.... you creature of absolute beauty and splendor. HE created you astonishingly!

In your darkest, trying moments, try your best to remember me. I am the one who loves you.....

Your Always Love.


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