Dear Diary Self love never came easy for me and I will be the first to admit that my 20s were basically wilderness years pretty much like the Israelites leaving Egypt. So close to the destination yet so far! I wish I had known what I know now in my early 20s. And having observed others...I know that there are women in their 20s who have a better understanding of themselves than others. The question I always ask...where did they learn? Was there a specific school they attended that I missed out on? Like say...in between Class Eight and High School? Or right after High School? My mum taught us to be good, disciplined girls...so I won't say that it was from a lack of proper guidance but what I do know is...I never learnt to love, value and accept myself through my 20s. It was not until my early 30s when I was forced to learn the hard way through a excruciating, heart breaking experience, that I became fully self aware and aware of how to deal with others as well....