Ever embarked on a project ...a mission not of your own making or for own benefit? A mission that if achieved would impact generations to come? And in starting this mission...you felt compelled by a higher calling? Then midway through this mission...you began to wonder if you had heard right in the first place and whether instead of hearing from God....you had listened to an invasion of strange voices in your head?

I started off such a mission last year. This was after many years of feeling compelled to do something about it. I distinctly remember one time...about 3 years ago...waking up in the middle of the night...my mind ablaze about this project. There and then....I had prepared a presentation about it but for the remaining part of that year...and the next..and the next...nothing happened. I took no action, not even when someone...an authority figure...brought it up with me. Then come 2017...and the same person brings up the issue again. All this time, I thought someone would take up the mission. I did not have to be the one to do it...anyone of up to 12,000 individuals would have done it. So why me? Why bother? Why not continue to sit in the sidelines? Why not discard the presentation?

The thoughts and ideas began to weigh me down...and I began to feel more and more compelled to do it. It would involve bringing together a large group of people. In this period of time, I brought smaller groups of people together....a group of cousins and family friends, another group of cousins and former classmates. In these groups, I found myself playing the role of coordinator which I had no problem doing since I am a middle child after all! Eventually, I made the step to start on the bigger mission but after strongly feeling and "hearing" God compelling me to so.

Things started off well...and as time went on...I truly believed it was the right thing to do and that all would go well. The good will to do it was clearly there..the resources though scarce could be mobilized and impact on the right people was clearly feasible. Till an ugly monster reared it's head. Things became a tad difficult and even messy. Personally, I detest conflict or any situation where there is a play for power and control. Yet here I was smack in the middle of one.

In the past few weeks...I have asked myself these questions:-

Can I walk away without looking like am giving up and without hurting anyone?

Should I put my reputation and my name on the line?

Did I hear God correctly?

Do I have the right leadership skills to take this mission to it's conclusion?

Am I mad to do this?

Should I let down all the people I have rallied to put their time, resources, ideas and even love into this mission?

Should I give up?


Heriponder - A mission has a general...or commander-in-chief. That is always the best place to go back to. What says the general? In my case...what says God? Are we still on course or have we lost our true north and veered off the main target for the mission? Is this difficulty or hurdle part of the process? What do I need to learn? Or un-learn? Can we still get to the goal...cos there is one...that's for sure.

I don't have answers for myself. All I know is that I need to pray. And pray shall I..

Have you gone thorough a similar situation? How did you handle it? I would love to hear from you in the comment section.


- Herispeak


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