Nature's Gaffe

Taking care of her daughter Zuleika was an easy task. Zuleika's mother enjoyed it immensely. No, she ADORED doing it. Zuleika was a pleasant little girl. Chubby yet not fat, with beautiful round brown eyes and deep dimples on each side of her cheeks. Her mouth was love-shaped and naturally lined as if someone had taken a black liner and tattooed her lips. She had long, naturally soft hair which was always neatly held or plaited. Her mother took great care of this. When she smiled, the world seemed to brighten up. It was as if she was the most important person in the room. Well, to her mother she was.  Zuleika was the kind of child who would tempt you to steal her just by flashing one of her smiles. One was immediately compelled to smile back, even the harshest or most severe of persons. Like Mrs Migwe.  She lived a few houses away from Zuleika’s home in the heart of the small village of Mukeha. Everyone avoided Mrs. Migwe. She was a widow and a loner. Her children hardly came to visit. No one blamed them. Her mouth was always drawn into a thin line, her face marred by the many wrinkles which seemed to be like little dry tributaries whose source had been a great river.  It would seem the water would ran there no more, in these little dry tributaries. Avoiding the well worn paths like the plague and going against the natural direction created by the paths. Even the water it would seem, was afraid of Mrs. Migwe.  When she spoke, it was with a crisp monotone devoid of emotion. It was as if she was torn between wondering why she was alive and wishing others were not either. She neither saw the value and joy of life, nor the purpose of the lives surrounding her. Yet, Mrs. Migwe afforded a smile for Zuleika. It was as if the little girl was the only person who existed in her world. 

Zuleika’s mother was not exactly beautiful. One would describe her as plain yet homely. She blended easily every where she went…the kind of woman  many men would not run after though she was the very kind of a woman every man wanted for a wife. She was motherly, curvy and well groomed. Yet she carried this haunted look in her eyes.. a deep sadness and pain that no amount of soothing would heal. The only time her eyes lit up is when they were focused on Zuleika. It went without saying that Zuleika was the centre of her world. Now 5 years old, Zuleika had come into her world unexpectedly. She had been dating a young police officer who had recently graduated from the training school based in Bulelwago. They were a lovely couple. Zuleika’s mother was less curvy then but just as homely. The police officer was a short, brown man. Looking at both her parents, one would not have expected such a beauty as Zuleika.

Zuleika’s father had soon been posted to the nearest town. They had continued to see each frequently and everyone in the village knew of their relationship. It was expected that they would marry soon. With time, the police officer had visited less frequently and during a surprise visit to his quarters, Zuleika’s mother had been shocked to find him living with another woman. She had returned quietly to her village but soon everyone began whispering about her growing tummy. It was an unfortunate turn of affairs. With her job as the shopkeeper’s assistant, it was difficult to hide from the prying eyes. The village was awash with gossip of her pregnancy. But soon enough, another village scandal had emerged and the pregnancy became old news. Life returned to normal for Zuleika’s mum and despite the impending challenge of single motherhood, she had coped well and prepared as best as she could. 

As Zuleika grew, there were hospital visits every now and then. Any observer would have imagined they were routine visits. Zuleika’s mother hardly spoke of her personal matters and would only ask for a few hours off duty at the shop for the visits. Today was one of those days. Zuleika’s mother had risen early to prepare herself and her daughter for the journey to the big city hospital which took about 3 hours. This time she had taken the entire day off and as they would only be back home in the evening. It was Zuleika’s first visit to the city and to this big hospital. Zuleika’s mother had carefully packed the referral letter into her brown purse, careful not to crease it unnecessarily though with the journey ahead, she doubted whether it would arrive in good condition. She hoped the doctor would still be able to read it. 

After the long journey and another hour in the queue, Zuleika’s name was finally called out. In her usual manner, Zuleika had charmed several parents and children in the waiting line. She gleefully waved goodbye to them as her mother led her into the doctor’s office. The office was cleaner and fancier than the local clinic back home. However, an experienced eye would quickly see the signs of wear and tear everywhere and the general feel of a government hospital. To Zuleika’s mother however, it did not matter. Her mind was focused on how to explain the problem to the doctor. Where would she start? It was so difficult and strange. The doctor curtly asked her what the matter was and stretched out his hand. Quickly, Zuleika’s mother recalled the referral letter in her purse and after retrieving it, handed it over to the doctor. It had survived the journey well. She sat back to watch the doctor as he read it and observed the frowns quickly form in his face.  “Are they sure?” he asked speaking in her native language. Zuleika’s mother was surprised at this but quickly recovered finding it strangely comforting that this man was her tribesman. “Yes” she answered. “Very sure. May I show you?”. 

All the time, Zuleika had been perched on her mother’s knee quietly playing with the multi-coloured beaded necklace her mother wore. “Place her on the bed” the doctor said gesturing towards the hospital bed covered with a thin, cotton sheet with faded stains.  Zuleika’s mother quickly obeyed and placed the young girl on the bed. Zuleika lay quietly with her eyes transfixed on her mother. Uncomfortable but unafraid, as if she was used to what was coming. Zuleika’s mother pulled up the little girl's dress and then proceeded to pull down Zuleika's panties. She spread the girl's legs slightly and stepped aside whilst reaching out for her daughter’s hand. The doctor had taken a quick step closer and peered. He seemed to remember something and had gone back to his desk to pull out some latex gloves. On his return, he spread Zuleika’s legs further and used his fingers to get a closer look. Then, he seemed even more perplexed and peered even closer. No amount of peering would change what he was seeing.  Everything seemed normal until the problem seemed to reveal itself. Where the little girl’s vagina opening should have been was nothing. Zuleika had been born without one. It was closed off completely, as if it was not intended to be.The doctor shook his head and stepped back.  Strange indeed. Nature had produced yet another unexplainable anomaly for the medical fraternity to solve.


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