I sat...waiting for you to arrive...wondering what you brought in your wake. A part of me was a little afraid...but on the whole, I was extremely excited! I had heard good things about you. That you came with reprieve, restoration, renewal, rebuilding and all good things that came with the pre-phrase "RE". Yes, I need some REPRIEVE . Reprieve from my past mistakes and messes, for the wrongs I have done to others and the big man upstairs...reprieve from myself...by myself. I could do with some RESTORATION too! Restoration of all I have lost in the past years....physical loss, spiritual loss, emotional loss, financial loss. Yes...I definitely could do a LOT of restoration. RENEWAL ..now there's a word I like. Renewed mind, body, spirit and soul. My body and spirit especially. My body more so! I could see it in my mind...the new me. The new me..FOR REAL. It must happen this time. Ahhhhhh REBUILDING . Past relationships that were destroyed...